PI of international research projects funded under competitive schemes
2021–2026: PI ERC-Consolidator grant Managing Identities in Diverse Societies: A Developmental Intergroup Perspective with Adolescents (GA n°101002163). Duration: from 1/05/2021-30/04/2026; 1,990,015 €
2019–2022: PI of the Bologna Unit for the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project Promoting social inclusion skills in a post-truth world: A gamified online platform and curriculum (PROMIS) (Project number: 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063157). Duration: from 1/09/2019-31/08/2022; 65,239€
2019: PI Seed corn grant assigned by the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP); 3,000€
2016–2018: PI of the Bologna Unit for the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project Innovative curriculum for strong identities in diverse Europe (INSIDE) (Project number: 2016-1-LT01-KA203-023220). Duration: from 1/09/2016 to 31/12/2018. 53,099.29 €
2012–2014: PI, Adolescent identity—Identity development in adolescence: Longitudinal studies on identity transitions, antecedents, and consequences in various gender and ethnic groups (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF, Project number 272400). Funded by Marie Curie Actions—Intra-European Fellowship, European Union. Duration: from 1/02/2012 to 31/01/2014. 185,040.80€
Participation in international research projects funded under competitive schemes
2019–2021: International advisor for the project Young citizens in school: A meta-analytic examination of the relationship between experiences at school and youth’s political competencies, attitudes, and behaviors. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG; EC 467/2-1). PI: Katharina Eckstein (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany). Duration: From 01/01/2019 until 31/12/2020
2017–2020: Member of Bologna unit for the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project Peace Dialogue Campus Network: Fostering Positive Attitudes between Migrants and Youth in Hosting Societies (Peacemakers) (Project number: 2017-1-TR01-KA203-046676). Duration: from 02/10/2017 to 01/04/2020
2015–2017: Researcher, team member of the project Identity development among adolescents and emerging adults in Lithuania and Japan (LJB-15-001). Funded by Lithuanian Research Council. PI: Rita Zukauskiene (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania). Duration: from 01/10/2015 until 31/09/2017.
2015–2018: International advisor for the project Towards the effective teaching: Dynamic interaction between teachers’ instructional behavior and students’ basic psychological needs satisfaction (DoIT; MIP-002/2015). Funded by Lithuanian Research Council. PI: Saulė Raizienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania). Duration: From 01/07/2015 until 31/03/2018
2005–2006: Participation in the macro-phase 4 Educational and vocational choices in adolescence, European Equal Project The value of difference – The feminine resource in creating enterprises.
PI of national research projects funded under competitive schemes
2018–2020: Principal investigator, AlmaIdea project A longitudinal study on the interdependent effects of personal and social identity on well-being and social inclusiveness, funded by the University of Bologna
2017: Funding for basic research (Finanziamento delle attività base di ricercar, FFABR), Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR)
Participation in national funded projects
2017: Coordinator, Games of Fears initiative Immigration and demographic changes, funded by the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA), University of Bologna
2015: Collaborator, FIRB project The importance of being honest: Morality as a fundamental dimension of social relationships, funded by MIUR. PI: Silvia Moscatelli
2012–: Member of the scientific committee, Transition from childhood to adolescence and adulthood: A longitudinal study in Padua. Funded by Zancan foundation and De Leo Fund
2010: Research activity for the Child care services, funded by municipality of Ancona
2008: Coordination and research activity for ANCeSCAO, National Association of Social Centers for Older People, funded by Region Marche.
2008: Participation in the research project Interpersonal relationships and norms’ perception in adolescence, funded by the Province of Macerata
2008: Research activity within the project Sportello Donna, funded by the National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CNA), Ancona
2007: Research activity aimed at evaluating the project Two Universities in network to promote integration between high schools and universities, co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Education
2005-2006: Participation in the research-project Psychological consequences of job flexibility, funded by the Zancan Foundation. PI: Tiziano Vecchiato, Guido Sarchielli, Augusto Palmonari
2005: Research activity on Quality of family relationships, Grant from PRIN (Research Programs of National Interest) funds, University of Bologna. PI: Augusto Palmonari
Supervisor of post-doctoral fellows
2021: Supervisor, Francesca Golfieri (postdoctoral researcher; University of Bologna)
2021: Supervisor, Valeria Bacaro (postdoctoral researcher; University of Bologna)
2019: Supervisor, Flavia Albarello (postdoctoral researcher; University of Bologna), research project At the roots of development of human identification in youth: The role of social identification with the peer groups
2018: Supervisor, Flavia Albarello (postdoctoral researcher; University of Bologna), research project Does personal identity promote social inclusiveness? The role of identity processes on prejudice reduction
2017: Supervisor, Flavia Albarello (postdoctoral researcher; University of Bologna), research project If I know myself, can I trust you? A longitudinal study on the effects of self-certainty on prejudice toward migrants
Supervisor of doctoral students
2021-: Tutor of Francesca De Lise, Fabio Maratia, and Maria Pagano (doctoral students, University of Bologna)
2020-: Tutor of Beatrice Bobba (doctoral student, University of Bologna)
2018-: Tutor of Savaş Karataş (doctoral student, University of Bologna), research project Acculturation strategies and adjustment to a new culture: The role of family, peers, and school contexts
2015-2017: Daily supervisor of Natalie Mercer (doctoral student; Utrecht University, the Netherlands), research project Understanding adolescent abstainers
Supervisor of post-lauream fellows
2019-2020: Tutor of Francesca Golfieri (Department of Psychology, University of Bologna), progetto di ricerca Sviluppo del concetto di sé nella transizione dall’adolescenza alla fase giovanile
Supervisor of visiting fellows
Supervision of doctoral students and scholars funded by Erasmus+ programs or other university fellowships for conducting part of their research abroad
2019: Zeynep Ece Tezel (research assistant, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey) ERASMUS+ visiting fellowship
2018: Kazumi Sugimura (Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan), ISA fellowship
2017: Hana Hadiwijaya (doctoral student, Tilburg University, the Netherlands), ERASMUS+ visiting fellowship for conducting the research project Intergenerational transmission of relationship quality: A meta-analysis at the University of Bologna
2017: Savaş Karataş (doctoral student, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey), ERASMUS+ visiting fellowship for staying at the University of Bologna
2017: Inga Truskauskaitė-Kunevičienėc (doctoral student, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania), ERASMUS+ visiting fellowship for staying at the University of Bologna
2014: Elisabeth Schubach (doctoral student, University of Jena, Germany), visiting fellowship for conducting the research project Regional identity and its integration with other identity dimensions: A longitudinal investigation at the Utrecht University
2014: Ioana Pop (doctoral student; Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), visiting fellowship for conducting the research project Identity processes and academic achievement in adolescence: A longitudinal study at the Utrecht University
2013-2014: Ümit Morsünbül (assistant professor; Aksaray University, Turkey), visiting fellowship for conducting the research project Identity formation in Turkish adolescents and emerging adults at the Utrecht University
Supervision of bachelor and master’s students
2016–: Supervisor of 26 bachelor students master’s students, University of Bologna
2006–2011: Supervisor of 40 bachelor and master’s students, University of Macerata
Supervision of trainees (psychology students doing internship)
2018–: Regular supervision of trainees, University of Bologna